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Zimmerman » Cruise Summer 2007 » Cozumel
Zimmerman » Cruise Summer 2007 » Cozumel

Created By LarryZ At 06:53 PM On Sunday, August 26, 2007
Updated By LarryZ On 08/28/2007 At 04:54 PM

A Great Palce to Scuba, Drink Tequila, Eat Mexican Food, Drink Tequila, Fish, Drink Tequila, Sightsee, Drink Tequila

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A Close Up
We Leave the Ship to Scuba Dive
Enjoying Some Local Color and Food after the Dive
Laurie Having Fun
Laurie Can Let it all Out
Laurie Letting it Rip
Nemy and Amber
Time for Beers and Pictures
Scott & Nemy
Enjoying the Beach after the Dive
Scuba Diving Cozumel
Everyone in the Water. Fearlessly Searching the Depths of the Seas. Well maybe only 30 feet!
Scuba Diving Cozumel
Amber and Scott Together Beneath the Waves
The Big Boys Together
After the Dive the Boyz Get together for a Beer
The Boyz and a Beer
Have another
The Girlz After the Dive
The Legend
Going for A swim. The Tank had no Air - They said Hold Breath - So I Did!!!

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